
Manual page for PCRE2 10.46-DEV


#include <pcre2.h>

int pcre2_next_match(pcre2_match_data *match_data, PCRE2_SIZE *pstart_offset, uint32_t *poptions);


This function can be called after one of the match functions (pcre2_match(), pcre2_dfa_match(), or pcre2_jit_match()), and must be provided with the same match_data parameter. It outputs the appropriate parameters for searching for the next match in the same subject string, and is suitable for applications providing "global" matching behaviour (for example, replacing all matches in the subject, or splitting the subject on all matches, or simply counting the number of matches).

It returns 0 ("false") if there is no need to make any further match attempts, or 1 ("true") if another match should be attempted.

The *pstart_offset and *poptions are set if the function returns 1. The *pstart_offset should be passed to the next match attempt directly, and the *poptions should be passed to the next match attempt by combining with the application's match options using OR.

There is a complete description of the PCRE2 native API in the pcre2api page and a description of the POSIX API in the pcre2posix page.